Messages of the Month


January 2025




The Story of the Bible

Trump will use to be Sworn into Office



When Trump is sworn in as the 47th President of the United States inside the Capitol’s rotunda, he will place his hand on a Bible passed to him from his mother. Please watch and share this Divine moment in History.



God's Coming Reset For HIS CHURCH

in 2025


   Proven prophet, Joshua Giles explains on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural why 2025 will be the year of God's planned RESET for HIS Church. Please share this timely prophetic message with all Christians!





50 Years Ago!

Watch Young Netanyahu Predict the Middle East Today



What Netanyahu said 50 years ago about Israel & the Middle East is happening today.  Benjamin Netanyahu has learned the history of his Jewish people and his ancestry of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 

 God has certainly raised up the best man to lead Israel.



December 2024


To Believe  

by Jackie Evancho



12-year-old gifted singer Jackie Evancho performed this song before thousands in attendance as a statement of faith and a prayer for peace in a divided, hurting world. 





2024's Best Christmas Song




Please share these Divinely produced Christmas songs with friends and family this Holiday Season




November 2024


Need A Healing? Do and Say This Now!

by Pastor Steve Austin




Steve Austin shares details of the miraculous experience that healed his wife from crippling rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and changed his life from a skeptical attorney to a praying, spiritual-filled believer and pastor.   If you or a loved one is also on a healing journey, please watch and share Steven's encouraging healing message with everyone. 


Jonathan Cahn: 

Trump's Win and God's Prophetic Election Message For America!



 Please share this Prophetic Message by Jonathan Cahn with all Americans.





Netanyahu affirms Jesus in Jewish History



Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been chosen by God for such a time as this. Listen to this recent interview where Netanyahu shares the Biblical truth concerning the timing of Jesus Christ's 1st coming into the history of Israel.



October 2024 



Foods listed in the Bible To Heal Your Body




Dr. Paris, a passionate Christian doctor, identifies specific foods listed in the Bible that God made to support wellness and eliminate pain! Learn about specific foods that Jesus ate that is now known to slow aging and degeneration.


7 Foods God Created to Kill and prevent Cancer!



Dr. Barbara O'Neill focuses on what environments and foods promotes cancer cells to grow. Dr. O'Neill also teaches the seven foods God made that will help protect our bodies against cancer.


How God Created the Human Brain to Forgive and Be Healed!



Forgiveness is absolutely a miracle and now you will have scientific proof -on a molecular level-

of how God created the human brain to forgive and receive total healing from all past traumas and hurts.



Scientific Proof That Human Life begins @ Conception




Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, society has been engaged in the cultural debate over when human life begins. Now we have scientific evidence that proves human life begins at conception. Moments after God spoke, Let there be light! (Genesis 1:3), the heavens and the earth were created.  John 1:4 says of Jesus “In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.”

It's not a coincidence that at the moment of conception (when a human egg is fertilized inside a mother's womb by a male sperm), light radiates outward from a newly formed human embryo. This recently released video provides 100% scientific proof (scientific study links below) that supports John 1:4, that human life begins at conception. Please watch & share.



Scientific Studies




September 2024 



Psalm 91:





Psalm 91 is mankind's BEST INSURANCE POLICY!

All you have to do is wake up every morning with a grateful heart and read it, believe it and thank your Creator & Savior for providing His 24/7 Divine Protection and Salvation over you, your home, your family, your neighbors and your nation.




Trusting in God through Perilous Times



Trust in God 100%. God is in control regardless of what happens in the next few months. Bible prophecy has already warned us that in the last days, perilous times will come - and we are seeing it now!


 August 2024


The Miracle of the Fetal Heartbeat



Watch this miraculous true story where a baby is reunited with its deceased mother by a familiar heartbeat.



 You Are a Child of God



1 John 3:1 - See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him. Please share this video with everyone, especially our nation's FATHERLESS YOUTH!


July 2024 


AI and the Antichrist




 Pastor Jimmy Evans clearly explains Satan's end time plan to use AI as the antichrist to gain worldwide control.




June 2024


A Unifying Memorial Day Message

America's Marines Singing "Days of Elijah"


There is no greater display celebrating American unity on Memorial Day than this video of American Marines singing in unison "Days of Elijah."






April 2024


Things Animals Can Teach Us 

about Getting Along 



God created animals for one main purpose: To Teach Humans how to get along.

Please take notes :)




March 2024


These are the BEST FOODS for cleaning out your arteries!



Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Find out which 9 foods can clean out your arteries and lower your risk of heart disease.


February 2024


Adding Fiber to Your Diet Reduces Alzheimer's and Dementia



Fiber is known for keeping your digestive system healthy and lowering cholesterol levels. Now, study findings suggest it also may protect the brain from Alzheimer's and dementia.  Researchers then monitored the participants for two decades to see which ones developed dementia. The study revealed that people who consumed the most daily fiber had the lowest rates of dementia. The reverse also was true — those who ate the least fiber had the highest rates. Specifically, the low-risk group consumed an average of 20 grams daily, while those with the highest risk averaged only 8 grams. (The USDA recommends that men over age 50 eat 30 grams of fiber daily.)





January 2024  

One Solitary Life:

Jesus' World Changing Ministry Explained in 3 minutes!!



One Solitary Life is one of the most powerful short videos (3 minutes & 24 secs.) that explains Jesus' world changing ministry (by Bing Crosby & President Ronald Reagan) that you will ever see.  Please share this true meaning of Christmas with everyone. 


 December 2024  



The Best Fruit to eat for Diabetes



I tested 20 most popular fruits and how they spike my blood sugar. If you live with diabetes and like to eat fruit this might be an interesting video for you to watch. It will help you decide what fruits to eat and what fruits to avoid in order to keep your blood glucose in check.




The #1 Best Anti-inflammatory Food in the World




 The root cause of inflammation starts in the gut, and it’s called intestinal permeability or leaky gut. Glutamine, an important amino acid for your colon cells, is essential for this situation. The best food to fight inflammation is beef, which is very high in glutamine. Glutamine greatly supports the gut and is beneficial for inflammatory conditions. One of the best anti-inflammatory foods for vegans and vegetarians is cabbage. Cabbage, especially red cabbage, is a great source of glutamine. Other foods rich in glutamine include: • Sheep or goat cheese • Kefir • Eggs • Fish • Bone broth.