The pH Factor


                   Welcome to The pH Factor.  In order to heal, the body's pH must be alkaline, not acidic.



"Acidosis" refers to an acid pH. It is an imbalanced acidic condition of all bodily fluids. Almost all cellular functions in the body are sensitive to the pH of their fluids. If the pH falls too far to the acidic side the cells become poisoned in their own toxic wastes and will die. All chemical processes have an ideal pH. Your blood should have a pH of 7.35 - 7.45. Many studies show that people with a correct blood pH enjoy good health; whereas, people with a low, or acidic, pH are more likely to be ill. The slightest imbalance can cause serious illness and disease.




Managing Your Body's pH





Every food and beverage has an acid or alkaline characteristic and is measured on a pH scale of zero to fourteen, with zero being the most acidic and fourteen the most alkaline. For example, the pH of stomach acid is 1, diet soda is 2.5, coffee is 3, water is 7 (neutral), broccoli is 8, mineral water 8.5 and baking soda is 12 (similar to Alka-Seltzer). You can monitor the pH of your saliva or urine on a regular basis though the use of litmus strip testing, and litmus strips may be purchased at most health food stores or pharmacies.





An acidic pH (<7.4) can occur from an acid-forming diet (high in animal protein, sodas, processed foods), emotional stress, toxic overload, and/or immune reactions or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen and other nutrients. The body will try to compensate for acidic pH by using alkaline calcium minerals found in bones. If the diet does not contain enough minerals to compensate, a build up of acids in the cells will occur. Acidosis can cause such problems as:

Click this link to see a complete list of alkaline vs. acidic foods:


Cardiovascular damage.
Weight gain, obesity and diabetes.
Bladder conditions.
Kidney stones.
Immune deficiency.
Acceleration of free radical damage.
Hormonal problems.
Premature aging.
Osteoporosis and joint pain.
Aching muscles and lactic acid buildup.
Low energy and chronic fatigue.

Slow digestion and elimination.
Yeast/fungal overgrowth.
Lack of energy and fatigue.
Lower body temperature.
Tendency to get infections.
Loss of drive, joy, and enthusiasm.
Depressive tendencies.
Easily stressed.
Pale complexion.
Inflammation of the corneas and eyelids.

Loose and painful teeth.
Inflamed, sensitive gums.
Mouth and stomach ulcers.
Cracks at the corners of the lips.
Excess stomach acid.
Nails are thin and split easily.
Hair looks dull, has split ends, and falls out.
Dry skin.
Skin easily irritated.
Leg cramps and spasms.


10 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning




  1. Aids digestion  2. Cleanses your system/is a diuretic  3. Boosts your immune system  4. Balances pH levels  5. Clears skin  6. Energizes you and enhances your mood  7. Promotes healing  8. Freshens breath  9. Hydrates your lymph system 10. Aids in weight loss

 My High pH Coffee!!!




In October of 2014, I was faced with a difficult decision. I had just been diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer. I was also suffering daily from severe joint pain and inflammation throughout my body. I had no other choice, but to take my website's advice and totally eliminate all acidic foods and beverages from my diet; including my all time favorite drink, coffee! Four month after staring my high pH alkaline diet (consuming foods and drinks with a pH of 7 or higher), all of my inflammation was gone, never again to return. Also, in February of 2015, I had my prostate surgically removed and I am now cancer free! The only staple from my daily diet that I truly missed was my morning cup of coffee.


Now- "Praise God!"- over one year later, I can start my day once again with a full cup of hazelnut coffee! Watch this simple experiment I tried two weeks ago that will raise the pH of your daily cup of coffee from a highly acidic 4.5 to a healthy 7.5.


The Alkaline Lifestyle 


An Alkaline balanced body is healthy, vibrant, and energetic, free of sickness and disease. An Acidic body is one that is degenerating, breaking down, showing a myriad of symptoms of ill health from the simplest form being a cold or a rash all the way to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.  We all know 1-5 people or more that are ill or dying of these or many other terrible diseases that can be solved with a change in their lifestyle and diet.  High levels of stress, negative thoughts, lack of exercise and poor shallow breathing (which most of us do all day long) all play a key role in this lifestyle and are acid forming.  Changing your diet will improve your pH and reduce your symptoms to a certain degree, but you must also manage and balance these other pieces of the puzzle to reach optimal health.  The most amazing thing about this alkaline lifestyle is that it is measurable because it IS a science.


The pH OF Bottled Water



 The following brands of bottled water are shown here in this comparison chart with their pH-levels and water source/treatment notes in order from worst to best: Vitamin Water 3.4, Propel Zero 3.5, Propel Fitness Water 3.36, Penta 4.0, Dasani (made by Coke)/Aquafina (made by Pepsi) 4.5, Function 5.0, Perrier 5.5, Poland Spring 5.8, Voss 6.0, Ice Mountain 6.0, Crystal Geyser 6.0, Deer Park 6.3, Smart Water 6.5, Great Value Walmart 6.5,Gerber Pure Water 6.5, Arrowhead 6.83, Evian 7.0, Eternal 7.0, Volvic 7.0, Zephyrhills 7.5, Absopure 7.5, Fiji 7.5, Super Chill 7.5, Evamor 8.0, Real Water 8.0, Essentia 9.0.  


7 Signs and Stages of a Body That's Too Acidic




The living the Alkaline Lifestyle 


Alkalizing the body is probably the best thing that a person can do to ensure good health and well being. There is a direct relationship between a person's pH and the oxygen content of his blood, and a tiny change in pH can have dramatic effects upon a person's oxygen intake. An alkaline body pH will prevent diseases, and will cure existing ones by exponentially boosting a body's oxygen intake. As a general rule, pathogens and cancers cannot survive in an oxygen-rich, alkaline environment.


Alkalizing the body is not an easy task for most people, but the benefits are many. This chart shows the effects of various foods on the human body. As you may notice, the initial pH of the food is irrelevant. For instance, while lemons and limes are naturally acidic fruits, they have a strong alkalizing effect upon the body when processed in digestion. For more information on the benefits of alkalinity, read The Link Between Body pH and Disease. You should also watch our documentary, The Cancer Report.


Pharmaceuticals are usually inherently toxic to the human body, and they cause disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. They often cause the stomach to poorly digest foods, which results in malnourishment. The lack of absorbed minerals offsets the pH of the body, which causes a cascading snowball effect in which it is less able to absorb other nutrients. In this state, the body is more vulnerable to sickness and cancers. The medical establishment describes the most toxic drugs as being strong. So, the stronger drugs are those which will imbalance the pH the most, and will cause cascading health problems.

We cannot fairly give credit to any person or group for the chart below, because it was compiled from, and verified with, dozens of sources. We welcome any verifiable information that could be used to expand this chart. Unfortunately, it appears that most foods have not yet been through the mineral testing required to definitively ascertain their pH-shifting properties.



Diet To Prevent Osteoporosis

 By: Veronica Porterfield



Veronica Porterfield lives and works in the suburbs of Washington, DC. As a licensed nutritionist with a passion for demystifying dietary dogma, she helps others invest in their long-term health by making better food choices via her writing. She received her master's degree in human nutrition from the University of Bridgeport.


Bone is living tissue and needs to be nourished properly to remain healthy. People who focus on calcium and Vitamin D intake for bone health are overlooking not only a host of other nutrients that are needed to build and preserve bone, but also the dietary factors that affect the bone mineral density. One of the key principles for maintaining bone tissue is keeping the pH of the body within a healthy range of 7.4. Acids are a normal metabolic byproduct of many of our body processes; minerals are needed to buffer these acids. People can get these minerals from their diet, or if not, can get them from their body's mineral reserves, our bones. Diet, then, should be rich in mineral buffers for human bodies. Too often, this is not the case; rather, the standard American diet features foods that add to the acid burden, contributing to the problem, not the solution.


Step 1


Assess the current status of your pH by checking the pH of your first morning urine (if you can avoid urinating for six consecutive hours at night) or your salivary pH before breakfast. If checking urine, your pH should fall between 6.5 and 7.5; if checking saliva, the recommended range is 7 to 7.5


Step 2


Check your pH as described above for a week, and then average your results. If your average is within the recommended range for the method you're using, strive to eat equal amounts of alkaline-forming and acidifying foods (1:1 ratio). If your average pH is lower than the recommended range (indicating that you are too acidic), alkaline-forming foods should make up a larger percentage of your diet--about 75 percent--while acidifying foods would constitute 25 percent of the daily diet.


Step 3


Become familiar with the effect foods have on the body's pH. Generally speaking, alkaline-forming foods are vegetables (particularly green vegetables), fruit and nuts. For a complete list, see the Resources section at the end of the article. Do not avoid all acidifying foods; the goal is not to eliminate these foods from the diet, since many of them provide critical nutrients. The goal is to find a healthy balance. However, there are some acidifying foods that are best avoided, including refined sugars and sodas; both are highly acidifying and offer no nutritional benefit.


pH Balance Chart

Most Alkaline Alkaline Lowest Alkaline FOOD CATEGORY Lowest Acid Acid Most Acid
Stevia Maple Syrup, Rice Syrup Raw Honey, Raw Sugar SWEETENERS Processed Honey, Molasses White Sugar, Brown Sugar NutraSweet, Equal, Aspartame, Sweet 'N Low
Lemons, Watermelon, Limes, Grapefruit, Mangoes, Papayas Dates, Figs, Melons, Grapes, Papaya, Kiwi, Blueberries, Apples, Pears, Raisins Oranges, Bananas, Cherries, Pineapple, Peaches, Avocados FRUITS Plums, Processed Fruit Juices Sour Cherries, Rhubarb Blackberries, Cranberries, Prunes
Asparagus, Onions, Vegetable Juices, Parsley, Raw Spinach, Broccoli, Garlic Okra, Squash, Green Beans, Beets, Celery, Lettuce, Zucchini, Sweet Potato, Carob Carrots, Tomatoes, Fresh Corn, Mushrooms, Cabbage, Peas, Potato Skins, Olives, Soybeans, Tofu BEANS VEGETABLES LEGUMES Cooked Spinach, Kidney Beans, String Beans Potatoes (without skins), Pinto Beans, Navy Beans, Lima Beans Chocolate
    Almonds Chestnuts NUTS SEEDS Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds Pecans, Cashews Peanuts, Walnuts
Olive Oil Flax Seed Oil Canola Oil OILS Corn Oil        
        Amaranth, Millet, Wild Rice, Quinoa GRAINS CEREALS Sprouted Wheat Bread, Spelt, Brown Rice White Rice, Corn, Buckwheat, Oats, Rye Wheat, White Flour, Pastries, Pasta
            MEATS Venison, Cold Water Fish Turkey, Chicken, Lamb Beef, Pork, Shellfish
    Breast Milk Soy Cheese, Soy Milk, Goat Milk, Goat Cheese, Whey EGGS DAIRY Eggs, Butter, Yogurt, Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese Raw Milk Cheese, Homogenized Milk, Ice Cream
Herb Teas, Lemon Water Green Tea Ginger Tea BEVERAGES Tea Coffee Beer, Soft D


Amazing!! Know why an alkaline diet may cure cancer

BY · SEPTEMBER 11, 2015

A healthy body needs to be slightly alkaline in order to function in a perfect way. More acid built up in the body makes the multiplication and regeneration of the healthy cells next to impossible.

Also it has been found out that cancerous cells tends to thrive and grow in acidic environment and if the body changes its environment to alkaline form acidic, it makes it very hard for the cancer cells to regenerate and the growth of cancer is not possible.

One way to do it is to eat a well-balanced diet that contains lots of alkaline producing substances and it may stop the growth of cancer either fully or partially. Continue reading to know more the relationship between alkaline based diet and cancer.


What is an alkaline diet?

What is an alkaline diet?

An alkaline diet is a diet that puts the focus on eating alkaline foods like whole fruits and vegetables and specific whole grains, which are low in caloric concentration. A healthy alkaline diet is a continuous process of creating the perfect equilibrium between acidifying and alkalizing foods in our day to day consumption.

A healthy body is extremely capable of filtering excess amounts of acid that forms inside during the process of digestion of food. Body has a number of organ structures that are very proficient in carrying out that task for the body. In the end there is a certain limit to the amount of acid, a healthy body can filter out. If the organs of the body are performing that way they should, the body makes perfect symmetry of acid-alkaline balance in itself.

It also depends on the amount of alkaline based food that is eaten by us and the amount of acid producing food we avoid. 

Principles of pH therapy or alkaline therapy

The principles of pH therapy are very modest. The breakdown of cancer cells has a very narrow pH acceptance for cellular multiplication and creation, a process called mitosis, which is in the range of somewhere between 6.5 and 7.5.

Given that we can hinder with the cancer cell metabolism, the only way to do so is by either dropping or increasing the level of pH in the internal cancer cell. If this can be done, in theory at least, you can stop the spread of cancer. 

Increase in the acidic levels in a body of a cancer patient causes extreme pain and it also puts the normal and healthy cells under extreme strain. By lowering the said acidic levels, but giving the patient an alkaline rich diet, it normalises the intracellular pH level of the cancer patient’s body which in turn reduces the acidic levels.

When the pH of the cancer cells reaches a range above 7.5, they revert to a normal cellular apoptosis cycle or programmed cell death.

How does it work?

The first step is to change the cancer patient’s diet, when someone is diagnosed with any kind of cancer.

The alkaline diet, which is based on consumption of plants and fruits and which restricts the intake of sugar, gluten, dairy and fast food, gives the sick body of a patient the strength to fight the cancer cells. The diet focuses on changing the body’s intracellular pH level to reach near the idyllic blood pH of 7.3/7.41.

This pH level is a major accomplishment that not only helps you if you have cancer, but it makes you even healthier and outs you on a path of a long and fulfilled life.

How does it work?

Cancer and Alkaline diet

An alkaline based diet is the best diet for someone who is diagnosed with cancer. The diet is based on fresh and organic vegetables and fruits and it creates a very inhospitable environment for the cancer cells to multiply and spread in the body.

Meanwhile it works towards fortifying the body’s immune system and since healthy cells find it easy to grow in alkaline environment, such diets provides the body for creating more healthy cells.


The alkaline therapy immensely helps in counteracting the acidic waste that is left by the cancerous cells. This acidic waste is the reason behind immense pain that a patient suffers. Alkaline diet obstructs the anaerobic fermentation of glucose, which is the instigator of the acidic cancer waste cycle and the diet in turn can induce remission in the patient.

Actually if this theory of alkaline therapy is true and proved by the research, it will become easier to treat cancer without using chemotherapy, radiation or surgery which causing immense pain and side effects in a cancer patient.

Human Studies on the benefits of alkaline water


Clinical evaluation of alkaline ionized water for abdominal complaints: Placebo controlled double blind tests Alkaline Water and Stomach Complaints


Alkaline mineral water lowers bone resorption even in calcium sufficiency: alkaline mineral water and bone metabolism.

Blood Pressure:

Mineral water intake reduces blood pressure among subjects with low urinary magnesium and calcium levels

Antioxidant benefits of alkaline water:

Electrolyzed-reduced water protects against oxidative damage to DNA, RNA, and protein

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